SOS Stratford



Instead of working towards a mediated solution that would have prevented our neighbourhood from becoming a mini-Mississauga, Councillors Vassilakos, Ingram, Burbach, Henderson, Beatty, Bunting, and mayor Mathieson voted to approve this project.

Our appeal hearing is in October

The Ontario Land Tribunal hearing will take place on October 31. Our witnesses are heritage planner Marcus Letourneau and Michael Barton, a land use planner.

Councillor admits City's failings

Councillor Danielle Ingram admits that City Council’s performance was not at it should have been, raising questions as to whether the Queen/Trow decision had any merit.

“Some of it was budget restrictions and pandemic-related. We could not make a decision well. We struggled to come to a consensus. We struggled to move forward. I don’t think that is the isng of a well-functioning council,” Ingram said. “It was obvious to people watching meetings that Council struggled to communicate.”

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List of news articles

November 8, 2021. Stratford City Council backs controversial Ontario Street development. Chris Montanini, Stratford Beacon Herald

November 4, 2021. Heritage or high density? What should Stratford choose? Letter to the editor by Mike Sullivan, published in the Stratford Beacon Herald.

October 26, 2021. Contentious Ontario Street development back on track. Chris Montanini, Stratford Beacon Herald.

September 30, 2021. Fate of Stratford Development Left Uncertain. Chris Montanini, Stratford Beacon Herald

September 27, 2021. Planning and Heritage Committee Meeting: consideration of the Staff Report and recommendations with respect to the Chancery Development application (370-396 Ontario Street) to amend our Official Plan and re-zone to New High Density Residential Area R5(2).

May 19, 2021. Virtual Community Meeting of the Queen/Trow Neighbourhood Association. See Hayden Bulbrook’s presentation on the Queen/Trow development.

May 18, 2021 Residents group meeting virtually about proposed Ontario Street development. Chris Montanini, The Stratford Beacon Herald.

April 22, 2021 Public community meeting held by the Queen/Trow developer. Not recorded. See the revised presentation.

January 20, 2021 Neighbours concerned with proposed four-storey residential building along Ontario Street heritage corridor. Galen Symmons, The Stratford Beacon Herald.

January 18, 2021 Special Council Open Session, Watch the video
View the Presentation by Gary Anandale on the Queen/Trow development.

November 16, 2020 A Special Council Open Session receives an application from Chancery Development for property at 370 – 396 Ontario Street. The purpose of the application to (1) Redesignate the subject lands from “Residential Area” to “High Density Residential”, and (2) Rezone the subject lands from “Mixed Use Residential (MUR)” and “Neighbourhood Commercial (C1)” to a site-specific “Residential Fifth Density (R5(2))”. See the proposal here